10 Questions

So, I was a little stuck as to what to write today. I then saw a post in my homepage called ‘Bloggers Profile’, which sparked the notion of showing myself to you guys. So, I went online and found these: 25 questions to ask yourself before the end of the year. However, I noticed some of them weren’t really applicable and a bit pretentious so I cut it down to 10.

(I do realise, of course, it is already three weeks into 2014 and I really should have done these earlier, but it is my fourth blog post so leave me alone).

1.What am I most proud of this year?
I suppose this is a hard one. 2013 was a good year for me in general terms, although there is one thing that stands out for me. At my school we put on a production of We Will Rock You, the musical based on the music of the rock group Queen. It was such an amazing production where everyone put in loads of effort and tried their best and it all payed off in the end. It was my favourite show to date and will take a lot of beating. I also got to see the show when it came to my city on the nationwide tour, which was pretty awesome.

2. How can I become a better _____________?
Daughter. Last year I didn’t really get among well with my mum. I promise you I am trying, but sometimes it’s hard when she’s so self centred and annoying sometimes. Holding grudges is a bad habit of mine, so this year I will try to start over and let it all go. (Although it’s not really going well so far).

3. Where am I feeling stuck?
With the current FanFiction I’m writing. It’s based around Avengers Assemble, which was released in 2012. I’ve gotten most of it written, but I cannot write action scenes for the life of me. Literally all I have to do is write the final battle scenes in New York City and it’s finished. I’m still stuck there to be honest, but I have a while before the posting of the story catches up to that point in the plot, so I have time to get it together.

4. Where do I need to allow myself grace?
I take this question to mean where do I need to cut myself some slack. In which case, I think I’m a bit hard on myself in the form of body shape. I’ve come to the realisation lately that some things I will never be able to change. I will never have a thigh gap, it’s a bone structure thing rather than a fatty thing. However, if Beyoncé doesn’t have one, I think I can live with mine. That doesn’t mean I’m going to totally let myself go: I’m going to try and tone up a bit but also keep in mind that it will not happen over night.

5. Am I passionate about my career?
As I’m still currently in school, I don’t have a ‘career’ as such. I am however passionate about my school work. 2013 saw me really start on my chosen courses and continue them into the new academic year. I don’t regret anything I took and am enjoying them. The only thing that really bothers me is the classes I’m in – in the sense of the people in them. Anyone in my Geography and Music class will confirm this.

6. What lessons have I learned?
Don’t voice opinions about people near those who will blab. I said something mean – I’m not going to sugar coat it, I was a bit if a bitch – in front of someone I thought I could trust, and she went and told the girl I was talking about. That came back to haunt me, but I think all parties involved have moved on now and peace has been made. Still, I learnt my lesson as to who I can really trust.

7. What did I my finances look like?
N/A as have no job, but otherwise managed well.

8. How did I spend my free time?
Well, I think. I spent a lot of time reading, something I always enjoy. I discovered my favourite book ever, which was good. I made sure that when I wasn’t working I was thoroughly relaxing. I had mock exams recently and rewarded myself with season 2 of Once Upon a Time and fell in love with Killian Jones, so it’s all good.

9. How have I procrastinated?
Procrastination is something I struggle with. I’ll always say ‘ooh, five more minutes then I’ll start doing that,’ which is not a healthy attitude to have when you have as much school work as I do. Social networking was a big problem with that. In that sense, starting a blog probably wan’t the best of ideas, however I’ve settled myself into a routine now so I think that’s better. That’s what I really need: routine and structure.

10. How can I be kind to myself?
Allowing myself breaks. Now that I’ve started revision for my exams in May, i don’t really have me time anymore, especially when you factor in all the extra curricular stuff I do on top of school work. That’s why I need to factor in breaks. Otherwise I’ll get too stressed and wear myself down. I did that last year and made myself really quite ill from it all. It wasn’t something I enjoyed nor would i recommend – although staying off school to recover with Buffy the Vampire Slayer was most enjoyable.

So, there we are. 10 questions that hopefully give you an insight into me. Just something to pass the time while something interesting happens on this end.

Good day!

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