30 Day OUAT Challenge – Day 18

Favourite Actor

Robert Carlyle

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I love this guy. He does such a fantastic job of Rumple/Mr Gold. You can watch any episode and see how insane Rumple has gone just by Robert’s performance alone. It’s fantastic to see an actor who is so dedicated to a character. The effort he has put in to bringing Rumple alive and making him the character he is is phenomenal, and I don’ think anyone else should have done a better job than him.

Looking at Rumple, you can see very clearly decent into obsession and madness with the power of the Dark One. He is so different from the cowering cripple we see at the very beginning of the series when we find out his backstory. There’s a certain glee with Rumple that you don’t see very often in villains. He truly enjoys what he does: he’s a trickster at heart, to be honest. That joy comes through beautifully in Robert’s acting.

This is contrasted heavily with Gold. Here, he may not have his magic but he does have his cunning and sinister streak that makes him recognisable as the same character. You’re never quite sure whether or not you can trust him, and that is something very hard to pull of in a character.

But then you see him with Belle. The love and affection Robert pours into that performance in the intimate scenes with Belle is wonderful and heartbreakingly tragic. You can see every emotion that Rumple must be feeling in those scenes, which is a degree of acting that isn’t usually there.

All in all, it’s because of Robert’s performance that I like Rumple. Whilst the other make acting ability in the show if fantastic, I can’t say that anyone else bring the originality and connection to their character like Robert Carlyle.

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