Tag Archives: day 24

30 Day OUAT Challenge – Day 25

Favourite character entrance

Zelina/Wicked Witch of the West

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I have been in love with Oz anew ever since I saw Wicked a few years ago. So, when I heard that the Wicked Witch of the West herself was coming to Once Upon a Time, I couldn’t wait. I was so excited, I struggle to put into words. That musical probably started me on the whole ‘maybe the villain isn’t as bad as everyone first though’ phase that I’m still in. I was intrigued to see what the creators of the show were going to do with her.

I love this entrance because, not only is it so cool, I was expecting it and was anticipating it. It was something that wasn’t a surprise as so many are and actually let me get a chance to feel the anxious buzz that comes before a big reveal. And I was not disappointed.

As the camera settled on the back of her form and she said, with an arrogant air of confidence that screams evil villain;

“Wicked always wins”

Well, I was in love. For once, she isn’t a villain that I think ‘poor baby’ about. She’s a cold hearted bitch and I respect her for that. This is the third reincarnation of the Wicked Witch that I’ve seen and I think it’s my favourite. It is more in-keeping with the traditional evil witch image that I love and admire. It takes guts to be so evil, and while I don’t approve of her actions – seriously, what is she going to do with Snow’s baby? – I do admire her confidence and ambition. Go big or go home, as they say.

From that very first moment, you knew that she wasn’t to be messed with, the villains always get the best wardrobes, and Zelena is no exception. That deadly black dress that clings to her form is amazing. All the female villains have a touch of sexiness to them, and her greenness doen’t detract from that. She’s one amazing lady, if a little insane. Oh well, we all have our little flaws, I guess.

30 Day OUAT Challenge – Day 24

If you could be anyone from Storybrooke or the Enchanted Forest, who would it be and why?

Red Riding Hood/Ruby

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I love Ruby so much. She is such a cool character, and who wouldn’t wNt to be a werewolf? Since she’s learnt to control what she is, she has heightened speed, strength and senses and gets some amazing outfits. Being a werewolf has its downsides, of course – the angry mobs can put a downer on things – but despite that it hasn’t really changed who she is and what she stands for.

In the Enchanted Forest Red began as someone quite meek but with a rebellious streak, and once she’s come to terms with who she was she really came into her own. She is a loyal and trusted friend of Snow, helping her navigate the forest and evade the Evil Queen. If it weren’t for Red Snow wouldn’t know how to hunt, or track, or countless of other skills that have come in handy over the course of the show.

In Storybrooke, she is the sassy, loveable Ruby that I fell in love with as soon as I saw onscreen. She is quick witted and rebellious yet never really stretches the rules too far. She’s confident with herself and knows herself well, which is something I think a lot of people envy about a person. I love Ruby and it’s shame we haven’t been seeing much of her as of late. Hopefully that will be rectified soon enough.

30 Day Book Challenge – Day 24

A book that you wish more people would’ve read

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by JK Rowling

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I know that a lot of people will have read this book, but I still come across people who haven’t and it kinda upsets me. If you’re not an avid reader and are content just knowing movie trivia, that’s fine, but I find there’s a whole wealth of knowledge in so much more detail in the books. What saddens me the most is stuff like: “Omg, who reads the books?” in a really scornful voice, as if it’s a bad thing to be a book nerd.

I’m sure that, as always with a book, more people know the films than the books, but everyone by now must know they were based on some pretty awesome books. And if you’re a fan of the film, it’s a whole new medium for you to enjoy and learn about.

I mean, how can you forget Peeves?

The main reason I wish more people would read it is to break down the divisions between book lover and film nut. I’ve come across people who act so scornfully and derogatory to those who have read the books. There’s nothing wrong with just doing one, but being open minded enough to try the books is something I really appreciate. At least then you have a valid reason for not reading them, instead of “I can’t be bothered,” or “Why on Earth would you do that?”

Come on, guys: it’s not even that big of a book…