Tag Archives: quotes

30 Day OUAT Challenge – Day 20

Favourite quote(s)

My favourite one would probably have to be:

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(Please excuse the expression Emma is pulling – it’s actually a gif but I haven’t figured out how to get them on here yet).

I love this because even though it’s series based on magic, the characters very rarely resort to it. You know they’re desperate when they go to Rumple or any other source of the mystic arts. Magic always comes with a price, so they reply more on their own wit and skills. It is also something you can take forward into the world. Some could view it as a bit pessimistic, but i don’t think it’s meant like that. It’s a reminder that you have as much power as any ‘fairy god mother’, and I think it’s lovely.

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I think this is also very true of the world. Whilst there aren’t any fairy god mothers, people can also achieve a lot by believing there are. Hope is a running theme in the show, as is believing. So a little belief that magic is real and that it can help can go a long way. Magic can come in all shapes and sizes. Choosing to see it or not is up to you.

Questions and References

So, today in school all the teachers kept picking on me to answer questions. And I mean all the teachers. Every subject someone asked me answer something. Now, I have no problem answering questions – that I put up my hand to answer. I suppose they have to make sure that I’m paying attention (due to my last name I am usually sat at the back of classrooms) but today was ridiculous. No one else was picked on, so why me?

Thankfully, I did know what they answers were so didn’t make a fool out of myself.

In other news, I tried and failed to make a Loki fandom reference at lunch. My friend has bought some nachos from the canteen and was trying to eat them with a knife and fork. It took three of us to explain to her that that wasn’t the correct manner. Anyway, eventually she started to eat them with her hands like a normal human being.

So I said: “Is this not simpler?”

And I thought ‘Ooh! That’s the start of Loki’s speech in the Avengers! I’ll carry it on…’

I then continued: “Is this not your natural state?”

And… no one got it. I was plagued with blank faces and a wave of disappointment.

Although, once I explained my odd choice of words they got it. I was told to go back to the fandom from whence I came and only make references everyone at the table understood. *Sighs*

A friend of mine, Louise, did once make a sucessful Harry Potter reference. We had to cross the road between campuses and my other friend, Isabella, stepped out into the road in front of a car. Louise and i crossed afterwards and I began to berate Isabella for her actions.

“What were you thinking?” I asked. “You could have been killed!”

To which Louise replies: “Or worst, seen!”

All anger and stupidity was forgotten as we laughed at the very clever reference. It seems I have some work to do to match that level of well known fandom reference. Or get more of my friends as obsessed with Loki as I am. Either or, really.

30 Day Book Challenge – Day 17

Favourite quote from your favourite book (and the rest of the books in that series)

So, this challenge initially wanted one quote from my favourite book. However, The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare is full of fantastic quotes, so I couldn’t just leave it at one. And, all the quotes are about books!

First, my favourite quote from Clockwork Angel, the first in the series:


I love this quote because it is just so true, and applies to every type of book. If you read a non-fiction book, they can change you in ways that expand your knowledge of the world around us. If you read a fiction book that was based on a true story, they can change your outlook on the world. If you read a hell of a lot of fiction, like I do, then you’ll know that those magical worlds you travel to can change you as a person. The story lines and the in-depth characters mesmerise you in a way that you could never have imagined. Then, if you go on the share that book, that amazing experience, with someone else, it can change them too and give the two of you something to bond over. Books do have the power to change us, and should never be underestimated.

Next, Clockwork Prince:



I personally really relate to this quote. As sad and lonely as it sounds, some of my closest friends are in books. They never lie to you, never cheat you – what is written on the pages is written on the pages and there is no changing that. Sometimes if I’ve been having a crap day I will pick up my favourite books and just sit and flick through them, or if I have a lot of time on my hands I will re-read them cover to cover. I know it sounds cheesy, but it’s like coming home. Those characters will always be there, that world is never going to suddenly stop existing, no matter what happens to me out here in the real world.

And finally, my favourite book of the series and therefore the actual answer to this challenge, Clockwork Princess:



This quote comes from a conversation between Tessa Grey and Will Herondale, two of the main characters in the story. In truth, it is only a section of the quote (but it had the prettiest art so I had to put this in). Here is the full version.

Life is a book and there are a thousand pages I have not read. I would read them together with you, as many as I can before I die.

I love this quote because it is just so sweet and romantic. These two characters are book lovers, and they speak often of the books they have read and share experiences through them. This is such a sweet metaphor that, as the hopeless romantic that I am, I cannot help but adore. The first part, as stated in the image, is something I like to think of when I’m a bit depressed with life. Perhaps I am just in that section of the book where the protagonist looks like they are about to fail and all their trials have been for nought, but really there’s still so many pages of the book yet that something, anything, has to get better eventually.